Legal Disclaimer
Since Rutherford Investment Management. services may only be offered and sold in certain jurisdictions, it is important that users read the Legal Information before proceeding as it explains the legal and regulatory restrictions applicable to the dissemination of information pertaining to these services.
The information contained in this website is for information only. The Information does not constitute a complete description of our investment services or performance. The website is in no way a solicitation nor is it an offer to sell securities or constitute an offer of investment services nor is it advice or recommendation regarding any investment, or investment advisory services, except where applicable, in states where we are registered or where an exemption or exclusion from registration exists. The information is not directed to any person who resides in or is located in a jurisdiction who legally may not purchase such service or in which such service may not be offered. The laws of each jurisdiction determine whether an investment service may be purchased in that jurisdiction. Offers of investment services can only be made in person, and only in those jurisdictions, which allow such offers to be made.
Information throughout this site, whether stock quotes, charts, articles, or any other statement or statements regarding market or other financial information, is obtained from sources which we, and our suppliers believe reliable, but we do not warrant or guarantee the timeliness or accuracy of this information. Nothing on this website should be interpreted to state or imply that past results are an indication of future performance. Neither we nor our information providers shall be liable for any errors or inaccuracies, regardless of cause, or the lack of timeliness of, or for any delay or interruption in the transmission thereof to the user. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR RESULTS OBTAINED FROM ANY INFORMATION POSTED ON THIS OR ANY ‘LINKED’ WEBSITE.
Investment always involves risk. Past performance is no assurance of future performance. Clients may lose money.
Service Marks and Logos
The Rutherford Investment Management logo is a service mark of Rutherford Investment Management. The use and misuse of these marks is expressly prohibited and may violate federal and state trademark law.
Website Disclaimers
The information contained in the Website is to the best of knowledge of Rutherford Investment Management in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. However, there are no implied or expressed warranties on the materials in this Website. All materials are provided “as is”. Rutherford Investment Management disclaims, to the fullest extent of the law, all implied or express warranties, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Rutherford Investment Management does not warrant that the functions contained in this Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free from viruses or other harmful components. If you live in a state that does not allow disclaimers of implied warranties, our disclaimer may not apply to you.
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Rutherford Investment Management and its affiliates do not accept any liability for losses or damages, direct or consequential, arising from the use or reliance on, or inability to use, the information contained in the Website or for any errors or omissions created by any third party, even if Rutherford Investment Management or its authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. If you live in a state that does not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. In no event will Rutherford Investment Management’s liability to you for damages, losses and causes of action, whether in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence), or otherwise, exceed the amount you paid, if any, for accessing this Website.
Confidentiality Limitations
Rutherford Investment Management welcomes your email correspondence. But internet and email communications are not confidential. It is possible that information transmitted to us may be read or obtained by other parties. In an attempt to protect your privacy, our email responses do not include personal account information such as social security numbers or account numbers.
Registration Information
For information regarding our SEC Registration, call us at 888-755-6546.
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This information is used solely to determine traffic patterns on the site. No personal information is collected at any time. Any personal correspondence to us that originates from this site via one of the email links will be for internal use only and treated confidentially. We do not disclose personal information to any third-party without consent. If you have questions or concerns about our policy, please contact us at 888.755.6546