Yardstick of success: ‘Have I made things better?’ – Bill Rutherford


Name: William “Bill” D. Rutherford
Title: President
Organization: Rutherford Investment Management LLC
Background: Finance, Business, Law, International investing and business politics
Education: B.S., University of Orgeon, LLB Harvard Law School
Residence: Portland


Essential business philosophy: The Golden Rule
Best way to keep competitive: Deliver the best client service and performance possible.
Guiding principle: The Golden Rule
Yardstick of success: Have I made things better?
Goal yet to be achieved: Making things better.


Best business decision: Investing in Metro One Telecommunications
Worst business decision: Investing in Metro One Telecommunications
Toughest business decision: Staying on the board of Metro One
Biggest missed opportunity: Not being able to sell stock in Metro One because of insider trading rules.
Mentors: My father.
Word that best describes you: Loyal.


Like best about the job: Always interesting.
LIke least about the job: Down markets.
Pet peeves: People who don’t do their jobs.
Most important lesson learned: Stay focused.
Person most interested in meeting: Living: Colin Powell; Dead: Thomas Jefferson
Most respected competitor: Helena Lankton
Greatest passions: Family, sports, the arts, nature
First choice for a new career: Medicine.


Favorite quote: “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Most influential book: “Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind”
Favorite Web Sites: Google
Favorite cause: Women’s rights.
Favorite movie: Carousel.
Favorite music/musician: Wagner
Most treasured possession: A wooden toy milk truck that my father brought to me from Holland after WWII.
Favorite restaurant: Carlyle
Favorite vacation spot: Hawaii
Favorite way to spend free time: Noodling